Ogle County, IL. Gravestone Pictures
Guide to FREE tombstone or monument pictures in Ogle County, IL.

Notice:  Request are not being taken at this time due to flooding of requests and due to inflated gasoline prices..  Hopefully we will ba able to continue requests in the near future.. Thanks for understanding.


Please Contact us:

Get your Ancestor's tombstone photos today FREE!

Or let us direct you to where you may find the photos !

FREE photos through e-mail only !

1.44 MB Diskettes can be purchased at $ 5.00 ea. total of 10 different angles taken per disk of the area.

Coming Soon:


Complete OC Cemetery photos on CD each cemetery will be added as they are archived, completed cemeteries will appear here

Neighboring areas available please contact for further info.

FREE Estimates for tombstone or monument that are in need of repair with FREE Pictures !

Click email requests link below


Note:  Weather conditions could delay requests.  Please note that we take photos at our conveinence when we are close to the area.  Although we try process requests on a first come first serve basis, we also reserve the right to take photos in any order that best fits our work detail.  Please be sure to check the status page once your requests have been accepted.

If you feel a donation is in order for your FREE photos.   Please make those out to one of Ogle Counties Historical or Genealogical Societies, or Ogle Co., Museum, just write on your check memo FREE Ogle Co. Pictures Site

Ogle Co. Hitorical Society -111 N. Sixth St., Oregon, IL. 61061

Ogle Co. Genealogical Society -P.O. Box 251, Oregon, IL., 61061


Cash Grant To: Zellers Tombstone Repair / Monument Specialists: P.O. Box 144, Leaf River, IL. 61047-0144

Northern Ogle

Forreston; Maryland; Leaf River, Byron; Scott; Monroe; Brookville; Lincoln; Mount Morris; Rockvale; Marion

Southern Ogle

Eagle Point; Buffalo; Pine Creek; Oregon; Nashua; Pine Rock; White Rock; Lynnville; Woosung; Grand Detour; Taylor; LaFayette; Flagg; Dement

click here for map

There are 99 Cemeteries in OC

ZTR / Monument Specialists


Ogle County Site